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Cart #witchery-1 | 2020-09-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #witchery-0 | 2020-09-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A zelda-like dungeon crawler where a little witch must save the world from an evil sorceress

This project is the first pico-8 game I've made so its a bit buggy in places.


Arrow keys - move

C - Shoot (use arrow keys after shooting to change magic direction)

V - Open potion screen (Press C to use potion and press C on 2 ingredients to create a potion)


Caves - Enter caves to fight a dungeon, each dungeon has a boss which when defeated will open up a new area.

Switches - switches open doors when you shoot them.

Monsters - Bosses and monsters like slimes will try to kill you so shoot them first.



I enjoyed it! boss flew away so I couldn't beat it but it was fun.


Yeah that's a problem with the boss I couldn't figure out with all my spaghetti code.
Hopefully I can organise my next pico project better.


Ok fixed the 1st boss now.

there seems to be an issue with the enemys cliping through walls, making the second dungeon impossible to get through beyond the first room. The first dungeon was good, and I like the potion and attack mechanics.

Poderia modificar as entradas, para melhor passagem, pois como o jogo é em 8bits o jogador pode não conseguir entrar rápido nas entradas travando-o nós cantos. Com essa melhoria o jogador consegue entrar facilmente nas entradas.

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