About this game
This is a remake of Pitfall II, SEGA.
Run, and jump to reach the rightmost of the field and get a birthday present before time is up.
Time limit is 5 minutes for EASY mode, 3 minutes for HARD mode.
When you're got damaged, the time decreases by 5 seconds. When you get a cake, the time increases by 10 seconds.

- D-Pad/Arrows: move left/right
- O/Z: jump
About the character
The playable character is USADA, one of main characters of Japanese animation, DiGiCharat.
We, Japanese fans love her and celebrates her birthday every year. This game is to celebrate her 2021 birthday.
 2021_12_17 10_53_44.png)
Special thanks
Saxyun, who made the USADA's dot picture and celebrates her birthday by his website.

Whew! That was a close one, but I beat Hard mode with only a single hour left on the clock!
If you want to know the trick I used for infinite time, open this:
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