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Cart #exasketch-0 | 2021-05-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here's my Etch-A-Sketch simulator. All the basics were set up very quickly in a couple of hours at most and all of the rest of the time was spent trying to get the shake-to-clear-the-screen effect to work without being really laggy.


Arrow keys to move the cursor
X to shake/clear the screen
Z (hold) to move one pixel at a time (for great justice detail)

There's also a few options on the pause menu (P/Enter) if you want to make your art look really janky.

Please share your horrifying art. :)



All that's left to do now is sit by the phone and wait for the collectors and auction houses to start bidding.

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