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Cart #bhggrd-0 | 2022-02-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A minimalist grid-based puzzle game where you score is the number of times you had to restart on your way through the ten progressively more difficult puzzles.

I used the simple puzzle "engine" from my other, kid-friendly, puzzle game "TED" to create a more interesting version for adults. It's still relatively simple in scope, and is fairly short. The last few puzzles should at least get you scratching your head a few times though!

P#106456 2022-02-06 20:29 ( Edited 2022-02-07 17:54)

This is great. Simple mechanics but definitely makes you think. I scored a 3, which should have been a 2 if I had paid more careful attention on level 7 :).

P#106464 2022-02-07 00:04

My first run:

It's a great piece of music, and it took a second playthrough to realise the ingenious way it develops through each puzzle. But it gets me weirdly pumped for a turn-based puzzler. Or is part of the design about baiting the player into moving with more haste than they need to?

Flipping the puzzle on reset is clever too.

Only on level ten did I realise that blue tiles...

... become grey tiles you can step on a second time, which is of course essential to solving that puzzle.

It's an elegantly simple game as it is, but if you wanted to add an additional score counter, you could count how many tiles are left at the end of each level. Trying to either maximise or minimise this score across all levels would both be interesting challenges.

P#106469 2022-02-07 02:13

Good puzzle, @gazhole. Once again similar in appearance to others but still strikingly original gameplay. Nice. Gold star work.

P#106471 2022-02-07 03:24

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