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Cart #ahealthydoseofdungeon-5 | 2021-10-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A Healthy Dose of Dungeon. Made completely from scratch in 72 hours for ludum dare #49. You don't know how you ended up in a dungeon, but you must escape it with nothing but your bare hands. An experience like this could make anyone's mind unstable!

Standard PICO-8 controls (arrows/z/x). Press x to hit enemies. Press z to dodge roll. Use the arrows to move. Every time you hit an enemy, your attacks do more damage and your character is faster. When you take damage you enter into an angry state in which you are super strong and you cannot get hurt. Your character is also invincible while dodge rolling.

There are 6 different medical conditions the character can be diagnosed with at the end of the game. Here is how to get diagnosed with each one:

  • unstable - beat the game normally.
  • hyperactive - beat the game in under 1 minute.
  • healthy - beat the game without killing any enemy (except the boss).
  • insane - kill all enemies in the game.
  • obsessive - kill all enemies in the game without dying.
  • possessed - kill all enemies in the game without dying and beat the game in under 3 minutes.

View the game submission on Ludum Dare too:




ohhhhh, fastastic!!

eu joguei o jogo por 30 minutos e achei incrivel, jogabilidade invrivel, graficos inscriveis, e esse sistema do personagem se tornar mais forte ao atacar é como se ele fosse louco, eu adorei o jogo e eu vou fechar ele hoje

(I played the game for 30 minutes and found it amazing, amazing gameplay, amazing graphics, and this character system becomes stronger when attacking it's like he was crazy, I loved the game and I'm going to close it today)


;-; acabei de ver o final, que triste

(;-; I just saw the ending, how sad)


Thanks for playing. I really appreciate the feedback too.


This game is amazing! Can't stop playing lmao. love the story :'), the music, the control aspects (especially with how you get stronger), and the enemies. Currently obsessed with the different "diagnoses" that can be achieved based on how you play.

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