The world needs more metablobs. 'Nuff said.

Aw man, this looks like that start of a great Lava lamp emulator where you could change the colour of the wax and oil. Maybe adjust the heat. Even have it so it does what real ones do when they first get turned on and melt at the bottom but resolidify at the top makingbweird spires, until the whole thing melts back down and becomes proper "lava"
Yoi could have a realistic mode for that with all the bells n whistles. And then a simpler "arcade" version where you don't want for it to warm up. It's already blobby and you can just mess with colours.
Gotta admit a lot of your stuff is very inspirational. I wish I knew how to code cuz this is so cool. But it's hard enuff remembering "IF this THEN that AND OR this" without all the stuff in least for now.
But yeah man. Love this. Would be cool if you could influence the blobs with the d-pad in some way.....see. ideas be flowing and all thanks to these epic blobs u made
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