Tweet Tweet Jam 6
TTJ 6 is here!
Same deal as usual, except this time it lasts twice as long!
Quick rundown for the uninitiated:
- Make a game in 560 chars or less (2 tweets)
- No premade cart assets allowed (spritesheet / map / gfx) - everything in code!
- You don't need a twitter to enter
- Multiple submissions allowed & encouraged
Have fun!

Uploaded! Simple Fantasy Machine. Will probably update since the code fits into 560 even when deobfuscated, so clearly I can cram some things in there.

I did 2 entries this year! The first one kinda sucks, this one feels more playable in general. Survive as long as you can on the bridge during the freak fire and ice storm. Fire burns holes in the bridge, ice repairs holes. Press any button to jump, don't fall down a hole. That's it, that's the game.

Forgot to post this here, I did end up making another. :)

Will there be another one? I missed the jam and i think the concept is pretty cool!

Yeah, there will be! From what I've gathered, it's either biannual or annual.
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