I decided to make a simple class implementation. Here's what I managed to come up with:
function class(c) name=c[1] _𝘦𝘯𝘷[name]=function(...) local initargs={...} local obj={___fnccore={}} for k,f in pairs(c)do if type(f)=='function'then obj.___fnccore[k]=f obj[k]=function(...) obj.___fnccore[k](obj,...) end end end obj.__init__(unpack(initargs)) return obj end end |
The (preferred) syntax to use this with looks like this:
class { 'classname' __init__=function(self,args) -- Stuff goes here -- end, -- Other functions here with "self" or something like that as the first argument -- } |
Here's an example:
class { 'printer', __init__=function(self,a,b) self.a=a self.b=b end, thing=function(self,c) print(self.a..self.b..c) end } test=printer('one ','two') test.thing(' three') |
The output for the above would be:
one two three |
Here is the cartridge containing the above example:
Feedback would be nice!
have you looked at metatable?
see: https://www.lua.org/pil/16.html
actually your framework does something native to lua, eg passing self to a function call.
test.thing(3) |
test:thing(3) |
and ‘self’ will automatically be the first parameter
The reason I picked my style of 'self', is because my main programming language is Python and I wanted it to feel like that.
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