Simple Etch-a-sketch tweetcart in 233 chars
Z and X -> Up and down
Left and Right -> as self
shaking is on the menu
the cart:
s,j,x,y,r,b= 1,64,64,64,rect,btn menuitem(5,"∧",function()s=1end)::_::if s>0then memset(24576,103,8191)s=0end x+=(b(1)and 1)or(b(0)and-1or 0)y+=(b(5)and 1)or(b(4)and-1or 0)pset(x,y,0)for i=60,j do r(j+i,j-i,j-i,j+i,8)end flip()goto _ |

This is cool! Feels like a real etch-a-sketch with the Z and X buttons being up and down. Well done :)
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