A Portal demake disguised as a Celeste Classic mod.
Note: This is not a demo, if anything were to make you think so. 👀
E + S + D + F - Move
Left Mouse Button - Fire Blue Portal
Right Mouse Button - Fire Orange Portal
A or Middle Mouse Button - Clear Portals
Music by RubyRed

The best Celeste mod I've ever seen. Took me a while to complete it (no mouse, using trackpad), but worth the time. Thank you very much!

how do i do this?
[/aa hmm]
(add it in a hidden block please)

@SandwichBlam: If you're interested in modding Celeste Classic, you might be interested in the Celeste Classic community's discord- can get help on stuff specific to the game and find people to play your stuff :D

oops I think I typed that wrong, I mean, I saw your games on Itch.io, a while back and that inspired me!

this is so amazing, i'd expect it to have around triple digit stars yet it only has 30, i love it so much, it replicates celeste difficulty greatly and i love the mari0 controls, this is currently my favorite pico-8 game of all time

@Meep Congratulations! It's the best pico-8 game I've ever played! It seems to be made by a professional programmer!
This is my best score:
But this is really IMPOSSIBLE!

Wow, When I Beat This Mod, This Celeste Mod Called "Caroline" Was Inspired By "Portal 1/2", And "Portal Reloaded", I Will Upload My Video On Any Of Social Media Platforms

After Much Minutes, But 17:39.5, I Got No Cores With Deaths At 11

It Is Recommended That You Should Play This Game "Portal 1", "Portal 2", Or "Portal Reloaded"
Portal 1: https://store.steampowered.com/app/400/Portal/
Portal 2: https://store.steampowered.com/app/620/Portal_2/
Portal 2 [RELOADED]: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1255980/Portal_Reloaded/

While replaying the game after some years, I discovered that the game doesn't allow you to enter the penguin route if you don't end the game with all the 6 cores...
P.S. I still think it's the best pico-8 game ever made!

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