Is there a way to evaluate a function call stored as a string, say "cls(2)"? I tried
but nope; no such beast.

no - and unlikely to happen as it would "break" the token limit.

I've developed a little system that does something kind of like this, in that it can execute a list of function calls via instructions encoded into a string. I was going for an efficient way of drawing an arbitrary number of shapes on screen, but it seems to work with all types of functions. Here's a little demo where it clears the screen and draws a few shapes.
s="````ナ██らきそきそっらめhxxらア" function _update() local t,f={},{pset,line,oval,ovalfill,rect,rectfill,spr,cls} for i=0,#s-1 do t[i%5+1]=ord(s,i+1)-96 if(i%5>3) f[t[5]\16](unpack(t)) end end |

@JadeLombax I'd never heard of pack/unpack until today.
I was in fact looking for a way to script game actions (or function invokations) in a format similar to that of an animation exposure sheet. It makes things easier (for me) to tweak once foundation logic is in place.
Barring ability to evaluate strings as code, I ended up doing this. I have a feeling that pack/unpack will come in handy in no time at all. :)
function _init() t=0 after(30,set_draw,drw_1) after(60,set_draw,drw_2) after(90,set_draw,drw_3) end function _update() t+=1 upd_cq(t) end function _draw() cls() print(t,8,8,7) end function drw_1() cls(1) print(t,8,8,7) end function drw_2() cls(2) print(t,8,8,7) end function drw_3() cls(3) print(t,8,8,7) end -- command queue cq={} function after(tix, cmd, arg) add(cq, {tix=tix, cmd=cmd, arg=arg}) end function upd_cq(t) for c in all(cq) do if c.tix==t then c.cmd(c.arg) del(cq,c) end end end -- commands function set_draw(f) _draw=f end |

Glad I could offer something helpful.
I guess I'm not totally understanding your system. Maybe there's some more complex stuff it could do, but if you're interested I came up with a very small version that does the same kind of thing as the current code, just using table values to define the different states instead of separate functions.
t=0 tbl={1,2,3,8,9,5} function _update() t+=1 if(t<=150) col=tbl[t\30+1] cls(col) ?t,8,8,7 end |

That was purely for demonstration purposes. The idea (for my needs) is to list the steps of a command sequence in as succinct a manner as possible. And yes, if I only wanted to change the color for cls at regular intervals, my code sample would represent one very convoluted way of doing that. :)

This is pretty easy if you already have a way of splitting the function name & arguments.
local functionTable = funcT{} --This table contains all of the functions you're planning on using. local functionTable = math.sin --You can add any default function to it funcT.f = function(x) --example function print("hello " .. x) end local functionString = "f" --this string contains whatever function you want to call local argumentString = "world" --this string contains the argument to that function. Doesn't need to be a string (funcT[functionString])(argumentString) --This is the syntax for calling a function from a table. --You can also do this with global functions: function a() print("hello world") end (_G["a"])() |
I think this is the closest to what you want. Of course, you'd still need a way of splitting the function and its arguments into a separate string.
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