Use any button to charge the cannon. Release the cannon to fire at the attacking robots.
Random Game Generator Criteria
Environment: Castle
Goal: Remove All Enemies
Genre: Adventure
Rules: One Life Only
Wildcard: Robots
Last night I wanted to try making a game in an hour so I opened up a game idea generator, got a random game idea and went to work. It ended up taking closer to five hours between last night and this evening, but for making a game within a day I'm happy with the result.
I'd like to do more of these self-imposed 1-day prototypes to break the habit of fiddling with game ideas for far too long.
Hmm ... played for a bit, got to level 3 I think, shot a few and ... then the enemies stopped coming yet the game continued playing. Definite error.
Thanks dw817! I had some code that was attempting to add a small amount of variability to spawn time and movement speeds and I think in level 3 it was accidentally having the bots run right sometimes so they never made it on screen.
I removed the variable speeds for now, but if I continue with this game in the future I'd like to add a little randomness along with other enemy types and threats.
Thanks for fixing the game! I have to practice to improve my ballistics skills :D
Would be great to have the difficulty ramp up with the changes you mention.
Sorry, wrong game. But yeah, you should have more !
BTW it may be a cheat I don't know, if I can't peg him from a distance I wait till he gets very close and then just tap (O) to nail him.
I can do this pretty simply so that made the game a bit too easy to win.
Otherwise, nice work. Good ballistics. Gold star for you.
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