You're a clod.
No, literally, you're a lump of earth.
A ball of mud. Sentient mud.
How? Probably through magic... Like a golem?
Anyway, that's not important.
What is important is that you're on a quest-
a transformative journey- to become shinier.
You must collect every fragment of the
P H I L O S O P H E R ' S S T O N E
to make your muddy dreams come true.
Will you be able to navigate the rooms
while managing your ever fluctuating size
and avoid danger?
Clod's Quest is a submission for the Ludum Dare Game Jam 42, you can rate it here:
Pretty tricky puzzle. Might be interesting to see this remade as a variation of "Fat Princess" where she gains weight from all the treats surrounding her.
I know back on the Commodore Amiga I wrote a silly game called, "Hubba Hubby." where a nice attractive girl had to avoid treats and snacks for 12-months (they went pretty fast). If she was of good size at that time, she could marry a handsome prince and win the game. If not, he rejected her and she cried tears that filled the screen.
Sadly, I was like lvl 10 and I get back to it and I have to redo all 10 levels :(
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