Update: So, I'm updating this now, but it's far from finished. A lot of things will probably change.
There is now some new rooms and a new character model.
In the 3rd room where the black part is, don't be surprised when you walk on it, in Golden Axe you can fall down at that part. I just put some monster there for now as placeholders, will see if any Voxatron update adds traps, then I will probably put that there instead.
Feel free to give me feedback!
Trying to make Golden Axe in Voxatron. Uploading it now so I can get some feedback.

I cant delete this post....? >.>
Didnt post this one on purpose....

Sword always? How? What? You name the levels _dojo and that happens?! Awesome!

Haha, yeah, zep made a post about that

dude I really like yourmap in come in third position in my opinion :) but it NEEEEEEEEEEDD to be more longer since it's really short what I liked most was the gameplay.

Thanks! It's still a work in progress, so of course it will be longer later.

"In the 3rd room where the black part is, don't be surprised when you walk on it, in Golden Axe you can fall down at that part. I just put some monster there for now as placeholders, will see if any Voxatron update adds traps, then I will probably put that there instead."
Since the room is a kill-all-monsters room, and the monsters can be lured into the pit where they become nigh impossible to kill, I look forward to a Voxatron update that lets you replace the "crapton of monsters appear" trap with something else. :)

Ah, yes, I see the problem there. Never actually encountered that myself so I didn't think about it. Might just remove them next time I update the map. Maybe by then there is an item for it instead.
Thanks for telling me!
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