I just wondered if anyone knew of a way to run piocpi and enable wifi. I love having pico8 without all the raspbian fuss, but would also like wifi so I'm not tied to a room that has Ethernet.

I can't remember w/o looking up the vagrant config, but you might have to rebuild the kernel to get WiFi.
That said, it's gonna add some boot time, if that matters to you.
The other fun bit is you'd have to build in a UI that would let you connect to WiFi.

You could probably hard-code the WiFi details somewhere, but yeah - you'd have to recompile the kernel. It's not really practical without a UI to be honest, especially if you want to connect to Wifi on-the-fly.

this all sounds like hard work.
I imagine it is way easier to install pico8 to raspbian and have the raspberry pi boot staright to pico8, so i dont see any of the pi gui.

Looks like I'm following in your footsteps, suicidebattery; I also found your posts on Reddit as I was researching this issue.
I've got a Pi3 with a cute little 2.2" PiTFT. I can get PicoPi to boot and run perfectly on it, but no WiFi :(
I think I'll try to get Pico-8 running through EmulationStation, that seems to be the best option.
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