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Cart #52664 | 2018-05-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Randomized minefield (16x15, 40 mines [customizable by editing the code])

Open with Z, flag with X
Restart the game by clicking on the smiley/frown-y face
Status bar: red=#flagged, green=#opened, blue=time

P#52665 2018-05-12 21:00 ( Edited 2018-05-30 16:43)

I like it!! The sunglasses face when you win is really cute.

Are you planning on adding the feature some versions use where when you click on a number that already has the required amount of flags around it, it clears all the non-flagged squares?

P#53082 2018-05-28 20:44 ( Edited 2018-05-29 00:44)

Nice! I love Minesweeper. But I got this ambiguous corner for last :(

I managed to wing it though 8)

After winning, I can still remove flags and trip mines, which seems a little weird, although it doesn't impact anything (it stays solved). Do I have to restart the cartridge to play again, unlike when losing? Edit: Oh, sorry, just now saw that you wrote that I can press Z on the smiley to restart.

P#53083 2018-05-29 04:34 ( Edited 2018-05-29 08:35)

In that screenshot, the bottom left square can't have a mine. If it did, the 2 would be finished and the 3 wouldn't have anywhere to have its 3rd mine... Right??

Ambiguity in Minesweeper is definitely part of the game, though!

P#53118 2018-05-30 11:23 ( Edited 2018-05-30 15:23)

Dang... You're right

P#53121 2018-05-30 12:43 ( Edited 2018-05-30 16:43)

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