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Cart #rat_maze-8 | 2024-09-17 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Okay, somebody has to do it. I'm going to try making a version of the 3D Maze.

Update: This is usable as a screensaver now! There are more features from the original to implement, but I think it's already pretty fun as-is.

  • Press a to toggle automatic mode (on by default).
  • Out of automatic mode: Up/down keys to go forward/backward, left/right keys to turn, z/x keys to strafe.
  • In either mode: Press m to toggle map view and raycast render. Press s to display CPU and RAM usage.

Warning: CPU usage is about 100%. The raycasting is expensive and I haven't felt like optimizing it yet because this project is for fun and that isn't where the fun is right now. I think it runs plenty smooth (60fps is overrated), but if your fantasy computer tends to overheat or you have big computations running in the background that you don't want your screensaver slowing down, watch out! :)

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Cart #frisbee_in_the_garden-0 | 2024-03-30 | Embed ▽ | No License

I wanted to learn how to make a wallpaper that would adapt to the desktop theme. I wasn't sure what to make, but my little quilt was right next to me on the couch, and I thought it would make a good subject for a wallpaper :)

It was a challenge to decide which shades to assign to which colors, but it's so important in quilting to think about the level of contrast in your design, so I knew I could get it to work out.

I would love to see someone turn this into a quilt randomizer. Now that would be a cool wallpaper!

Here is the real quilt. My wife and I designed and pieced it together, and then I hand-quilted it. It's about 2' by 2'.

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Cart #53060 | 2018-05-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Introducing my first actual game on pico-8: Tile Flip! (v1.0)

Tile Flip is a puzzle game where your goal is to flip all tiles to the same color (it doesn't matter which color). You control which tile is selected with the arrow keys and press z to flip the tile, but all the 4-directionally adjacent tiles are also flipped.

Tile Flip starts out easy. On Level 1, only a single move is required to win. After winning, press z again to move onto the next level. After that, it gets harder very quickly. I can only get to Level 4 or so, but then again I'm not very good at puzzles.

Tile Flip's great grandparent is Lights Out, but my exposure to this kind of puzzle was from the minigame in Runescape.

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Cart #34393 | 2016-12-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My Hello World project!

Two points bounce about randomly on the screen, and colorful lines are drawn between them. Whenever one of the points bounces off the wall, one of four sounds will play. Each time you play, a different pattern will get drawn.

So far, there is no interactivity. Maybe in version 2...