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I noticed that an SFX instrument wasn't triggering and after some experimenting I found that it was because the previous note was the same and using the same SFX instrument. However, its volume was 0, so this behaviour was a surprise for me. The manual states: "SFX instruments are only retriggered when the pitch changes, or the previous note has zero volume.". Is this a bug or am I misinterpreting the manual?

Version: 0.1.11f

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create SFX 00 like so:
  1. Create SFX 01 like so:
  1. Play SFX 01, you'll hear it trigger SFX 00.
  2. Zero out the volume of the first two notes in SFX 01:
  1. Play SFX 01.

Expected result:

  1. The SFX instrument triggers at the third note

Actual result:

  1. Silence.

If you replace the first two notes in SFX 01 with say C#2 and zero out their volumes again, the SFX instrument will trigger on the third note as expected.

P#47729 2017-12-28 10:04 ( Edited 2018-02-06 20:40)

I can confirm this; I ran into this same issue. I had to change the instrument on the previous deleted (volume 0) notes to something other than the same instrument, in order to get the next note to have an attack.

P#49041 2018-02-06 15:40 ( Edited 2018-02-06 20:40)

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