Following the announcement of PICO-8 being on the pocketCHIP, someone on the CHIP forums suggested running Voxatron on it. However, I do wonder whether that would work.
Does Voxatron come with an ARM version?
Does it sound feasible to run Voxatron on the CHIP? (other than the ARM-ness of it, of course)

i would really like to see this be a thing. i just pre-ordered a PocketC.H.I.P and am really looking forward to playing around with PICO-8. I watched as many videos as i could on the PocketC.H.I.P and it looks like it should be strong enough to run Voxatron, considering it could run OpenArena.

I pre-ordered a Pocket C.H.I.P. just yesterday, solely because it comes with PICO-8. If Voxatron were ported to it as well, that would be a dream come true.

a basic voxatron scene looks like a lot of quads to push for a pi ( without trickery );
also from what I saw voxatron is normal gl ( not es ) ?
EDIT: just read on the faq that rendering ist software based, dumb me :)

Just wanted to add my name to this. I have a CHIP, didn't know it came with Pico-8 and then found out about Voxatron as well. I think that would be awesome to get on the Chip or Raspberry Pi 3. (Obviously, if it ran on the Chip, the RaspPi3 would be easy.)

i will add my vote also.
Have pocket chip...
love pico...
voxatron would be awesome.

It should probably be able to run on the RPi 3, and I'm almost certain it could run on the new RPi 4.

We want it on ours Raspberry Pi Plaforms, it will be awesome and a great market for Lexaoffle and we want to play the story game in the RPis.
Simply will be awesome

Not sure what you mean Firebird: there isn’t an ARM build available.

Where did the raspberry pi version of voxatron go? I remember downloading and playing it a few years ago, but don't see a link for it anywhere.
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