update 1 (jan15th,2017):
- tv shakes less with key press,
- .. and you can turn it on/off by pressing z/c.
first version:
My jigsaw puzzler for the tiny TV jam. Forgive me if I'm doing something wrong, I'm new :D
Your comments / suggestions are welcome!

Quite a fun little game :).
The only thing you might want to change is the screen shaking when moving tiles - they're kind of extreme, especially since you press arrows many times in succession.

I was waiting for a comment to confirm my suspicions :) I tried removing them completely, but it felt a bit lifeless, decreasing it enough might do, I think. Perhaps z-c buttons can toggle it on/off.
Now I'm jealous of amazing tv skin customizations people are sharing over twitter, wow :o
Thanks for the comment, The Lair is amazing by the way, I'm a fan! :D

Nice idea! My complaint would be that the flashing of the selected tile is a bit harsh on the eyes. Fun to discover what the image is as you move the pieces though.

Hmm, maybe I can put a flashing rectangle around the active piece, though I suspect it might block the precious pixels in the already tiny screen. Thanks!

I think you could just make the flashing slower or just make it happen every few frames and that would work. :)
Aside from that it's looking great! I think you nailed the shaking with the new version!

Ahh neat idea, I'll try it at the first opportunity! I'm glad you liked it, thanks for the great jam :D

Really lovely game! I included it in my compilation video series of the Tiny TV Jam games, if you’d like to take a look :)

Hey Jupiter, I've just seen your post, sorry :) nice compilation, thanks for letting me know!
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