The goal of the game is to kill all enemies before they come to you !
Good luke !

Tashet this is great! It gave me an idea for some music. Do you want some contributions or do you have that covered?

EatMoreCheese you are welcome to help in this little game !:D

You're free to use this as you like. It seems to fit the game (to me at least) and uses 3 channels max.

@TashetTrash open the .p8 file for your game and @EatMoreCheese's cart in a text editor, and replace your music section with his.

Oh yeah If you need more help I can download your code and consolidate everything. Scathe is right though, that's the easiest way. I'd recommend moving any sound effects out of samples 0-7 beforehand.

Thank Scathe and EatMoreCheese ! I come back tomorrow with a better game thanks to you ;D

Nice and smooth. Can't wait to see where you take it.
Do you ever intend for auto-fire? I ask only because of the PocketCHIP where using the keyboard to repeat/repeat is a major pain (literally). For my shooter games, I offer an auto-fire option for just that case. My default is always manual but easily switched depending on which device you're on...just a thought :)

Thank morningtoast !
Thats a good point ! Maybe in a next update :D
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