This is excellent, I love it!
Not been able to get passed Parsec 4 so far...it gets pretty intense!

This is really fun but some of the enemy bullets are just realllly hard to distinguish!

Very nice. One problem: it was hard for me to distinguish between enemy bullets and the background stars.

I made a modification of this with some Galaga inspired sprites ^_^

Btw, great job on Pakutto Boy! Some sound effects tend to loop when eating a ghost or certain fruits. Just a minor critique. Other than that, awesome game!

can you add the some of the galaga physics like getting captured and rescuing the fighter in ga tasu

Really awesome game, but I do notice a bug that causing a sound effect to go in a loop that will keep on playing even after a gameover and playing another round.
Other than that it's a really awesome retro shmup!

Great shmup! You've captured a good feeling of control and power of the spaceship and cuasing mayhem in the attacking invaders. I loved the "pulsing" of the aliens when they were not diving.
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