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Hey there, this is a game made by Ian and I for the "A Game By It's Cover" jam.

Play it on itch.io

Cart #27185 | 2016-08-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

2016-08-21: fixed PocketCHIP crash (with help from @morningtoast)
2016-08-15: updated menu navigation
2016-08-12: fixed random palette bugs


Definitely one of the coolest cartridges around. I could just leave this music playing for a while!

Action Cat! Woo, great name.

I have no idea what is going on in this cartridge, but it's pretty awesome.

This made me happy. Hope you're happy too

I know action cat's a junkie, hitting an all-time low.


I'd like to meet this game, but I think it'll blow my mind.

One of my favorite Bowie songs, nice work!!!


One very trippy game. It's hard to find that catnip though when you need it. :)

far out!

Between this and your snow shoveling simulator, I am very pleased. I was led here by your prolific itch dot eye oh profile. Beautiful work.

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