I rewrote overall because over limit for export PNG format.
-stage re-design
-tokens diet
-"lost" sign when escaped
-combo system renew
-stage flags

I like it! The challenge is good without being unfair, and aiming your shots is fun. That last remaining enemy was a pain, though. When there's one enemy left, it swoops down from the top of the screen at such an angle that I can barely react in time to take a shot at it.
Does this version loop the same level over again, or are later levels different?

Thank you for playing.
I'm grasping that the speed and curve of pink-enemy has a problem.
In the following version, I intend to increase stages and enemy-types.

Nice improvement, as in the time it took me just to TRY to make it through a stage with just one Anne left, I can make it two, if not three times as far here, as it could take FOREVER just to try to get rid of that one last annoying girl.
Looking forward to more on this!
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