It's very much a work in progress. It isn't 100% true to the original pacman, but the ghost AI should be somewhat accurate. Quite a few bugs still. I wanted to do a Pacman to learn to understand pico8 better.
Not all ghost behaviour is implemented yet, neither are scoring, fruit and lives. The code isn't neat or consistent.

Nice, excellent use of limited pixels. I like that you sacrificed some of the original detail to make it a one-screen only version. I don't think it suffers for it at all. I only notice it because I look for that kind of thing. :)
I liked the truer-to-life one someone did earlier, because it was accurate, but at the same time it had the problem of being a scrolling version.
BTW, I have to ask... there's an obvious PICO naming pun here. Why not go for it it? :)

This is great! You even did the music!
There are some collision problems: you cannot eat a dark blue ghost when it is turning?
And some issues with AI: a dark blue ghost ran straight down the screen across all walls and off the bottom
and the player should pause slightly when eating a ghost.
but great work!

Great work. It inspired me to make a pacman clone using a virtual console too, the Virtual Thumby. I called the clone Thuc-Man

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