Time for another jam! EDIT: The theme is Chain Reaction.
and... that's time! Thanks everyone who contributed a cartridge! If you submitted something with the p8jam2 tag, you can now rate other p8jam2-tagged carts at the top of the cart's thread.
If you'd like to continue working on your cartridges, feel free -- but please leave the compo version at the top of the p8jam2-tagged threads until voting finishes in one week (June 5, 24:00 PST). Good luck!

Same deal as last time, except with some limited theme voting:
Duration: The Jam will take place from 00:00 PST on Saturday the 21st of May 2016 and will finish at 24:00 PST on Sunday the 29th. So, it spans 2 weekends and 5 weekdays. You can spend as much or little time on your carts as you like. Tiny silly cartridges are more than welcome.
Theme: As is customary with other jams, a theme will be posted at the start and the goal is simply to make a cart (or some carts) during the jam that reflect your interpretation of the theme. Any type of cartridge is ok: games, toys, demos, music carts or pixels.
This time, the theme will be selected by a small twitter poll that begins 24 hours before the jam starts.
Submitting: To submit or update a jam cart before the deadline, just tag it with p8jam2. You can update your cartridge as often as you like before the deadline.
Voting: Jam participants will be able to use a voting widget on all p8jam2-tagged carts, and exactly 1 week after the jam finished, ratings will be tallied.
There will be a small mystery prize for the highest rated cart, but you should enter for glory and honor (or just for kicks).
During the jam, you'll be able to view all carts and posts tagged with p8jam2.
Rules: Teams / collaborations are allowed, in which case you should nominate one user to be the submitter (and voter). Re-using existing PICO-8 cart material is allowed as long as it is ok by the author, and that the carts are publicly available before the jam starts. Submissions should be mostly new material created during the jam, but it's ultimately up to other participants making ratings to decide what's cool and what's not.

This is great!
School (at least for me) will be out on the 26th (23rd for me, because test exemptions), so I'll be able to make something!

Very cool, adding it to my calendar right now. Wasn't around for the first Jam so excited to try this one out.

This will be fun! Only really discovered Pico-8 just as the first jam had ended, so I'm happy I'm able to join this time.

Great, the first one was prety fun to do. Having a whole week is nice, so everyone can find some time to work on it.

The first one was awesome, you can definitely count me in for this one too!!
Zep aren't you afraid that we'll be able to tell which theme will be chosen towards the end of the Twitter poll?? It might not be that bad as we have 9 days for the jam and stealing a few hours could be ok but... It kinda kills the announcement of the theme... :/
Also what happens if there's two winning themes (same amount of votes)?
Awesome cart by the way!!!

Good point -- I forgot you can see twitter poll results before the poll closes. I'll add a blind poll widget thing then instead!
If it's a tie, then the theme will be decided by a random table flip.

Newbie on pico-8, you can also count me in for this game jam !
A lot of fun with this game engine !

Now all I want is for the theme to be chosen by table flip!!

I kinda wish this was happening after the PocketCHIP ships just so I could use that, but I'm super down for this! Excited to see what the theme is! :D

Now that's an invitation!
So badly want in this one, gotta practice while I can.
Curious what the theme could be, any clues or the like?
Mystery Prize eh? I have a feeling its a signed PocketCHIP but very curious what it could be.
Plan on buying one anyway really.
I'm in it for the fun though.
Gonna be fun, can't wait. :3

Excited for this! Wasn't around for the first PICO-8 Jam either. Can't wait!

Zep: that's not fair to send a version for 0.1.7 (8) of the cart when everyone have version 0.1.6 (7) :p (hopefully it's not too hard to change :D)

Undecided if I'll enter this time (my motivation largely depends on how inspiring the theme is >////>), but good luck on the jam either way, and to all of you new jammers who didn't get to enter last time... Have fun! :3
This is gonna be really great, I'm sure of it!

> Now all I want is for the theme to be chosen by table flip!!
Just to see this. I'm in :-)

Added the rules section from p8jam1:
Rules: Teams / collaborations are allowed, in which case you should nominate one user to be the submitter (and voter). Re-using existing PICO-8 cart material is allowed as long as it is ok by the author, and that the carts are publicly available before the jam starts. Submissions should be mostly new material created during the jam, but it's ultimately up to other participants making ratings to decide what's cool and what's not.

Your invitation is amazing ! So fun !
Dont know if I will participate as I have only 3 evenings free. I'm new to PICO-8 so this is tempting.

The voting widget is now live for jam participants -- while logged in, check the top of each p8jam2 thread.

OK! I just finished my voting. I was quite thorough:
- I played each of the 36 games and put scores into a spreadsheet
- next I made a second pass of the scores in the spreadsheet to make sure they all made sense relative to each other
- finally I entered the score on each game page by clicking the widget
Best of luck to all involved, some really great entries and ideas!

Yeah, it's really hard to score consistently when the range is so wide and there's no easy overview display of them all. ^^;; Just a little shortcoming of this system.
I deal with it by looking for specific criteria and giving a specific score depending on that.

I love stuff like this. Reminds me a bit of the demo scene from the 80's when I had my Commodore 64. Cool stuff. :)

Can't wait for a Jam #3! I'm getting a PocketChip this christmas so maybe I can join in :D
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