Embarrassed to say that I can't get past the intro screen on 3.3 OSX. I can hit command-Q to exit - and O/P to tilt the camera...but no way to 'Start'. I tried every keyboard key and mouse combination.
Am I missing something obvious? Very frustrating. :(

Hmmm...and I don't see a way to download previous version.

I got 3.2 to work (had to delete Application Support folder that contain settings and such first!) - (extrapolated download link from my 3.3 link).
But no luck with 3.3

ok, I think this is the same bug as 17857.
@Osorkonius, @Abraham: could you please try out the diagnostic tool in that thread (and follow the same instructions) and send me the result? I don't have an OSX version handy, but the results from the Windows version should be enough information.
Interesting that it's not failing on every system. Which keyboard layouts (e.g. US English) are you using?

platform: Windows
Found config.txt
01 video_mode 640 480 32 // set the width, height and bitdepth. ignored by fixed-res games.
02 show_fps 0 // Draw frames per second in the corner
03 windowed 1 // 1 to start up in windowed mode
04 window_position -1 -1 // x and y position of window, or -1, -1 to let the window manager decide
new window position: -1, -1
05 frameless 0 // 1 to use a window with no frame
06 fullscreen_method 0 // 0 safe (linux) 1 borderless desktop-sized window 2 fullscreen
07 frame_sleep_ms 5 // number of milli seconds to sleep each frame. To save laptop battery power, try 20
08 sessions 1 // number of times program has been run
09 rmb_key 0 // 0 for none 226 for LALT
10 sound_volume 256 // 0..256
11 music_volume 256 // 0..256
12 mix_buffer_size 1024 // usually 1024. Try 2048 if you get choppy sound
found 0 joystick(s)
SDL_OpenAudio ok
codo_set_screen 640 480 32 4
::SDL_KEYDOWN scan 4 key a [61]
::0 97
::setting ch1: 97
:: ch1:97 LALT:0
:: added a (97) at 0
::SDL_KEYDOWN scan 22 key s [73]
::0 115
::setting ch1: 115
:: ch1:115 LALT:0
:: added s (115) at 0
::SDL_KEYDOWN scan 7 key d [64]
::0 100
::setting ch1: 100
:: ch1:100 LALT:0
:: added d (100) at 0
::SDL_KEYDOWN scan 9 key f [66]
::0 102
::setting ch1: 102
:: ch1:102 LALT:0
:: added f (102) at 0
::SDL_KEYDOWN scan 40 key
:: ch1:13 LALT:0
:: added
(13) at 0
::SDL_KEYDOWN scan 40 key
:: ch1:13 LALT:0
:: added
(13) at 0
::SDL_KEYDOWN scan 40 key
:: ch1:13 LALT:0
:: added
(13) at 0
::SDL_KEYDOWN scan 226 key â [400000e2]
::SDL_KEYDOWN scan 61 key = [4000003d]
:: typed text:
:: asdf
:: -------------------
codo_items_created: 0
here you are ;) hope it helps... I've got a Polish keyboard layout, which isn't much different from English one, except for some special characters triggered with Alt

Also, I've tried to switch the layout to English US, but it doesn't change anything. Still, all I can see is just the "Play" option (there were more, as far as I remember), O/P camera tilting and "boops" when pressing up/down arrows.

Thanks for the log. It looks like your enter key is functioning properly, but Voxatron is running in exhibition mode. You can turn it off in config.txt (~AppData/Roaming/Voxatron/config.txt). Do you remember ever turning this on, or is this possibly a bug with the configuration?
@casperjeff, @Abraham:
what does the screen look like that you get stuck on? The same as [this](http://snag.gy/w32jC.jpg )? Or can you see more menu items but are not able to select them?

Yay, this solved the issue, thanks a lot :D I installed a fresh 0.3.3 version on both systems and that was what I got.

Yup...I simply re-extracted and ran 3.3 after 3.2 (where exhibition mode was set to 0) and all is well now.

0.3.3b is now live to fix this issue.
But for users who tried to clean install from 0.3.3, Voxatron will still read the corrupt configuration file. The solution is to delete config.txt (or edit it and change exhibition_mode to 0)
You can find config.txt:
Windows: C:/Users/Yourname/AppData/Roaming/Voxatron/config.txt
OSX: /Users/Yourname/Library/Application Support/Voxatron/config.txt
Linux: ~/.lexaloffle/Voxatron/config.txt

Yay! Thanks for the patch! I edited the config.txt (exhibition_mode)—worked like a charm. And this is my first time to run Voxatron, very cool console!
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