Guide the bouncy ball through a hazardous land to uncover your purpose! Bouncy is a bite sized physics and platforming puzzles built as a challenge to explore Pico-8 and it's tools.
LEFT and RIGHT - roll the ball.
HOLD DOWN - store jumping energy
RELEASE DOWN - release jumping energy and fly!
X and Z - dampen your bouncing energy
Having trouble lining up a jump? Start your ball bouncing in place and tap left or right to land safely.
Use the de-bounce keys to dampen your inertia. It really works!
Can you get top rank? I sure couldn't.
Binaries downloadable on my ITCH.IO page

Punishing but fun! I really liked the bouncy movement and ball animations

the phisics feel nice and natural. How hard was that to pull of?

Thank you! The bouncing physics were not too bad, the trickiest part was deciding under what conditions releasing the potential energy was the right thing to do.

This is really great. It really has the vibes of a classic game from the 8-bit era.
If I could suggest one modification... if felt odd that pushing down on a slope squashed the ball vertically. I felt it should squash into the slope so that releasing the button would make the ball jump at an angle.

Thank you! About the sloped terrain, I agree! (sort of). I had implemented jumping at various angles for a bit but it always felt off with my level design. I think if I redid the game I would definitely start with better slope tile physics, or at least design the traps to work with angled jumps.

@someguy17 True. Punishing but fun. This is a cool game. :)
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