This game is available in both french and english!
Quebec Mortis
Quebec Mortis is a top-down adventure game that plays like resident evil for it's survival-horror genre and tank controls.
This here is the full first episode. Have fun and thanks for playing!
Louis receives a worrying message from his brother. He is nowhere to be found.
D-PAD : Tank controls, select item in inventory if it is opened
Hold O : Open inventory
X : Use an item
You need to be in proximity of certain zones to use items on them or simply interact with them just like a point and click game.
Itch io page

probably one of the best pico8 adventure games right now. Looking forward more episodes.

Wow thanks @lownoise1976, I appreciate! @Verb here is the walkthrough :) (The hints are obfuscated)

Thanks! I actually ended up figuring it out on my own after some head scratching. I just needed to finish some sub-tasks first and think a little outside the box :)
Great game! 46m 31s

Nice little horror game. The tank controls are absolutely anxiety inducing when a zombie is near... perfectly done! Great adaption of the Resident Evil formula in top down form :)

Really glad you finally posted your game on the BBS. It deserves a larger audience.

I love the intro sequence with your name. Marble Madness (EA) on the Sega Genesis style.

Wow, what a gem! It took me a long time to figure out what to do in some places, but it was worth it. I loved how the monsters get more nightmarish over time.

@kwikrick Thanks so much ! I was inspired by Silent Hill 2 a lot for the nightmarish psycho horror vibes :D. I'm glad you liked it. @BambiWithCorn So true ! Good job for finding that reference which is involuntary :P.

So cool. I played it for a short time but I had fun with it.

@Masongamer1 @PixelBoundMan Thanks guys:) By the way Episode 2 and 3 are available on steam and I'm still working on episode 4. Not sure when I will publish them here. Ep. 2 is more puzzle oriented and Ep. 3 is a metroidvania.
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