Nintendo3DS のプチコン3号向けにつくったレースゲームを PICOTRON で動かしてみました。
※ mac の Safari だと music() が高速再生されてしまうことがあるようです。

This is very cool! Haven't had a peek at the code yet, but this has all the elements of the fake racer engine-maybe tunnels next?

I really like this! I've played for a while, but I started to feel dizzy due to tilting effect. I think there's two improvements that could be make to it:
Smooth it in and out a lot more, it's very aggressive at the beginning of the corner, I feel like it having a slower start will help, specially when in future circuits with sequences of corners different directions or when avoiding car collision and going in the opposite direction of the corner for a brief moment.
- I might be completely wrong, but I feel like the tilt should be the opposite direction of the corner. For example, when turning left the G forces are pushing you to the right, so I'd experiment having the tilt going clockwise instead of going counterclockwise(as they currently are when making a left turn). Again, it's just a guess, but I think the player will have the impression of fighting against the G forces of the turn because the player is holding the arrow of the opposite direction of the force they're seeing in the screen, like making a tight corner to one direction and feeling your head pushed to the opposite side. It might worth to experiment a little.

@bsm I know I'm a little late replying to this, but the tilt effect is actually authentic to the original Power Drift arcade game. I think the design choice was largely due to the hydraulic cabinets that were popular, so when you turn left the whole cabinet tilted right to give you g-force.

Needless to say, the copyright of this image belongs to SEGA.
Let's just look at the screen and decide.
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