Today I finished some code restruction,from scatch and noticed I forgot to "copy" the sprites and the map and no problem
export foo.png //nice
export //nice
and easy
import foo.png //nice
import //ups just spritesheet is full
? okay
import map //nope
Of Course I can just copy the code to the cart with the map I want, but is there a command I didn't found? There are parameter import foobar.png -L, that do not help me.
The Pico-8 manual has only export map...

I don't think there's a convenient command within pico-8. However there's a couple ways to accomplish that manually. If you have access to the .p8 files from any OS, you can open them up in notepad (or your own preferred text editor). From there, you can access the section marked as map and copy the data from there into the map section of your newer .p8 file.

Yes I did not thought of the map section and that those symbols represent the graphics.
Thank you, kimiyoribaka.
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