I decided that PICO-8 needed a nyan cat, so I made it. I still have to finish the cat part of nyan cat, but that'll come when I get home and have some decent tools.
Music courtesy of Juju

I'll add some music once I return from vacation, the laptop I'm using right now doesn't have any audio.

Updated! Now with actual cat! I might get around to making music, but probably not, I'm not very musically inclined. Anyone feel free to download my cart and add music to it and post it to this thread.

I kinda want its pop-tart colors pink and red. I think of bootlegs.

I added some music!

EDIT: I can't figure out how to add a cartridge in someone else's thread, sorry, so have the PNG.

It was this simple? Well, then. Oh well, thanks. Also nice improvement.

I may have perfected the art of nyanning the cat. Still feel like the music could use some improvement somehow, though.
EDIT: Tweaked the sound volumes a bit to make the music slightly more dynamic so it sounds better. That was the improvement I was looking for.

Beautiful and a very accurate representation of the classic ! A true tribute, you get my STAR.

OMG the music is amazing...
I need some help on making the Nyan cat theme in PICO-8
(I'm bad at music :( )
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