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Just that, was just thinking how nice a web browser using the distinct characteristics of picotron would look. Was wondering if anyone was working on one, and if so, how are they getting on?

P#148114 2024-05-08 12:01


there are at least three main online projects: piconet, picotron wiki and a chat system! the first two have threads in this forum

P#148120 2024-05-08 13:03 ( Edited 2024-05-08 13:03)

I tried to create an html parser.
I use the replace function I created and stop after extracting the contents of the body.
Due to many challenges, I am prioritizing my other projects.


  • Store html as dom object.
  • How to display the text.
  • The image cannot be displayed, but instead a dummy image is displayed.
  • How much of the css should be reflected?
  • Anchor implementation.
  • Japanese language.

Modern sites are complex.
I feel like I want to go back to the days of simple HTML sites.
It might be good to have something like a dedicated HTML standard that only picotron can display.
If the server side can recognize that the client is picotron, there may be a way to output html for picotron.

P#148119 2024-05-08 13:09

@shiftalow I feel like a lot of old linux sites would work pretty well, and something like hacker news would probably parse quite well. There's probably a plethora of sites you could create some kind of whitelist for and then make them available in a picotron web type application.

Would be cool to even get something like the reader function in firefox to work.

P#148131 2024-05-08 15:18

@merwok Thanks for the info, the piconet looks really interesting, so does the wiki! I also saw the chat is integrated in the phone widget that was posted here a while ago?

P#148132 2024-05-08 15:19

I think the picophone may use its own chat system!

I was thinking of picochat: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=141179

P#148155 2024-05-08 23:44

I just started a web browser project. Like super early not even ready to post but I am going a slightly different rout. not just a web browser but a new Markup language for the simple interface. My goal over the next few weaks is to make a simple web browser and then build up a suite of applications for internet use similar to AOL in the 1990's

P#148667 2024-05-20 01:37

@shiftalow, WRT a simpler HTML standard for Picotron, there's already Gemini (or maybe even Gopher)

P#148729 2024-05-20 18:51

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