(Cover Art by Zep)
This December issue is the twelfth in the series. 12 issues in 12 months for the entire 2023 year! Because of that, this issue will be a little different, as we don't just look back on the month of December, but the entire year! What a year it has been!
-Playing with Visual Effects - Tubeman
-December Games Rapid-fire Reviews - Achie
-Top 10 Games of 2023 - NerdyTeachers
-Developer Interview - LouieChapm
-Developer Interview - LokiStriker
-Apskeppet: Year in Review - Johan Peitz
-Curated Games Library - NerdyTeachers
-Outstanding Outliers - KumaKhan22
-Pixel Art Gallery and Interview - SaKo
-The Past and Future of Pico-View - Nerdy Teachers
-Closing Remarks
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