Possibly Endless Golf Demake
This is a demake of Possibly Endless Golf
I've always wanted to write a procedurally generated game and love chilled out golf games. This did actually start as a pico-8 project but I couldn't get the level generation correct so I moved to Monogame as I have more experience with C#. Once I finished my first Steam release. I thought I'd come back and finish what I started, now that I understood how to generate levels.
Aim of the game is to get the ball in the square hole.
left/right to move the direction arrow
up/down to modify the power bar
Z to hit the ball
Top left labels:
L = level number
T = total number of shots throughout game
H = total number of shot in current level
I hope you enjoy it. I will be releasing a cleaner version of the code to Github soon. The physics could do with a bit of tweaking and I don't like how the collision with the hole works but I feel like I need to write something new as a kind of coding palette cleanse.

Thanks for sharing - I love the premise :) Subscribing for future updates!

Thanks for playing. I hope to make a few updates to this to change physics and add sound. I might even make a re-de-make :)

This is a new version of my game I like to call the xmas demake. I'll be adding snowflakes and maybe some xmas trees soon. Please let me know what you think.

It's been a lot of fun! In v2 The snow seems to disappear which gives sparkle sort of look. For me, the golf theme would be more potent if the ball was white, but that may just be my preference. If u wanted to go all out, u could add a ball color picker before the player starts?

I'll try a white ball and see how it looks. I could just make X cycle through ball colours which would be easier to code?

Positives:Great Ice Physics! The game is overly adictive and I literally didn't want to leave the game to rate the game! The hole in ones are super satisfying. Some areas have a bit of frustrations but not too much
Negatives:To addicting. Graphics are only fine

Thanks for the rating. I'm not great with game art but hopefully with time I'll make better looking games.

Thanks I'll hopefully have a new update that is more festive by the weekend.

Here is an updated version of my golf demake. With snow, Christmas trees and some lighting. I might make the music a bit merrier so could have another update soon.
This is a demake of my Steam game https://store.steampowered.com/app/2541820/Possibly_Endless_Golf?utm_source=pico8
** I just changed the cart here instead of creating a new post. Music has changed and I've fixed some bugs. There's also now a github repo for the game https://github.com/anefiox/Possibly-Endless-Golf-Demake
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