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I've recently got Pico-8 working on my RGB30 (I'm loving the big square display). Some of my Splore favorites show up listed by number, instead of their name (Eg. "15133" instead of "Celeste").

Has anybody experienced something similar and know how to fix? I tried removing and re-adding the favorite but that didn't work.


P#136409 2023-10-26 06:34

are these favourites from splore or carts you added on the machine?

P#136442 2023-10-26 15:23

These are all favorites I got from Splore.

P#136455 2023-10-26 23:12

can you show a screenshot of your favourites (in pico-8), and an excerpt of your favourites file (use FOLDER CONFIG to get there)

P#136463 2023-10-27 02:41

Thank you for the help. Let's see if I can get what you asked for.

First, here are the content of the favorites.txt file:

|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/1/15133.p8.png   |15133
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/2/26895.p8.png   |26895
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/dank_tomb-0.p8.png |dank_tomb-0
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/4/49232.p8.png   |49232
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/upward-0.p8.png |upward-0
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/3/38190.p8.png   |38190
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/5/56576.p8.png   |56576
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/fuz_v1-1.p8.png |fuz_v1-1
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/bubblebobble-1.p8.png |bubblebobble-1
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/picodepon-2.p8.png |picodepon-2
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/picodriller-0.p8.png |picodriller-0
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/picotetris2-0.p8.png |picotetris2-0
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/ladybug-2.p8.png |ladybug-2
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/picolumia-0.p8.png |picolumia-0
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/bondstones-0.p8.png |bondstones-0
|                     |                     |0      |                 |bbs/carts/dinkykong-0.p8.png |dinkykong-0

And attached is a photo showing the favorites on the device (if there is a better way for getting screenshots directly from the device, let me know).

Thanks for the help!

P#136467 2023-10-27 05:26

my pico-8 (0.2.5g, amd64 linux build): behaves differently: in the last column, the title of the game is recorded, and then displayed in the favourites tab of splore. in your case we see that the cart filename is used. I have no explanation.

P#136496 2023-10-27 14:25

It looks like the carts that appear incorrectly listed were dowloaded under a number folder (eg bbs/1/, bbs/2/, bbs/3/), whereas the correct ones appear under bbs/carts/. I'll try to do some digging to see if I can figure out why the difference in behavior.

My best guess is whether adding a cart to favorites without playing it first caused it to be downloaded under the numeric folder/name structure.

P#136500 2023-10-27 16:25 ( Edited 2023-10-27 16:27)

Ok, I'm reading your comment again @merwok and now I realize, as you point out, that I am not seeing titles but filenames. Ok, so it's a bit buggier than I thought. Thanks for following up, though.

P#136501 2023-10-27 16:31 ( Edited 2023-10-27 16:31)

Thanks @maxzsol, this is fixed for 0.2.6

This bug only happens when favouriting while playing a cart, so the work-around until 0.2.6 is to favourite from the fold-out menu in splore (press menu button on the cart item).

It happens when the bbs downloads folder is inside the root_path specified in config.txt. The defaults for a new install are {appdata}/pico-8/bbs and {appdata}/pico-8/carts respectively, but the RGB30 install uses {appdata}/pico-8 as the root path (completely reasonable thing to do). The downloaded bbs carts are then incorrectly identified by 0.2.5g as 'local carts' based on their location inside of root_path, and so they don't have a title or author metadata attached to them when saved favourites.txt.

Unfortunately it won't be possible to recover that metadata locally, but I'll see about pinging the server for an update when such a cartridge is next played.

P#136996 2023-11-06 08:23

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