MOCE//CPCL bur celeste classic
A Claustrophobic Nightmare in classic ver.
verified by me

Too hard for me, which isn't that hard to make something too hard for me

Oh welp idk how i got passed the first level XD , but now im stuck here :P Could anyone pls help me to find a way out ?

diagonal dash (Spike clip)
short jump
Right dash hold right relase and
Hold again

not MOCE, no 1-time use walls/ground that spawns spikes when you leave them (I forget what they're called)

@kuliat and @StrongSand94191 Thx for the help i rlly did pass that level thx again ^^ and srry it took me so long to reply :,>
Now i can get to the nex- WOAH

Edit : oh i passed it somehow TwT

This is a very fun mod. Reminds me of an smw Pit hack. Unfortunately I can't finish it. Maybe one day I will though

After a lot of stratfinding, here's one of my first lowdeath runs!
Playing this is pretty fun, except for 2 very inconsistent rooms (help and final), but it's very well made anyways.
I'm also very determined to get this deathless, but i think that'll take some more time

Huge pb! 33 deaths is a big improvement that brings me one step closer to deathless. Very proud of myself rn

very unexpected pb, also the only room i haven't cleared first try yet is final, soooo... guess thats what imma do next time

ok so i didn't mean to upload another run before getting deathless, but this run was deathless from room 3 during warmup.

Very nice map for a casual clear, but deathless had a lot of, as I like to call it, "gambling" in 3 main rooms, which caused me to be a little angry at times.
Still, I would recommend playing this if you're looking for something a bit more challenging, but not too hard overall.
Good job to the creator of this, I really enjoyed most of my time playing this!
(also i just took a screenshot of my entire screen so nobody says i cheated or smth, you can clearly see my entire taskbar)
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