You Move? You Attack!
Fight enemies and steal their moves.
Every step launches an attack. Plan your moves carefully!
How fast can you make it to the end? (My record is 291 194! steps)
> 4 Playable Characters
> 13 Hostile Enemies
> 52 Unique Attacks
> 4 Damage Types
> 3 Environmental Hazards
> 1 Fun Game
U/D/L/R: Move and Attack
X: Special Move
(TIP: Each character specializes in a different attack type)

Fun game! Every time I play it's very different. There is a lot of randomness, but also some tactics to make it interesting and replayable.

looks cool (would roguelike be a fitting tag for this?)

Thanks for Playing!
Definitely a roguelike, I like to make games with at least a little variety each time through. Keeps things interesting when constantly playtesting though harder to find bugs sometimes

This is such a fun game - just spent the last 30 mins or so with it. Congratulations!

I won! 390 steps taken. Nice game, the boss kinda covers its health bar, it would be better if the health bar goes over the boss. Overall, this is a great game.

This is really fun! The first couple of games, I didn't really know what was going on (I can move around, and there are yellow arrows, and huh, that guy just got struck by lightning? What?). But I got the hang of it pretty quickly.
Overall, a really good balance between in-depth and casual play. I like how the player gets to choose their upgrade, while still being at the mercy of the RNG: it encourages the player to try new things, and the game itself is easy enough that you aren't doomed to lose if you don't get your "favorite" attacks.
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