A maze game created during a 6-days sprint by 3 female software engineers in training!
Check out our feminist and inclusive coding school in Paris : Ada Tech School https://adatechschool.fr/
Have fun!
Edit 1 : second version online, we fixed the map problem that allowed the player to wander into the graphic menus right of the 3rd level :)
Edit 2 : the game menus are now in English (rather than in French)!
Edit 3 : new version with fixed maps! You can now navigate the maps knowing if you'll end up in a wall or not :)

Not bad. The gameplay has a few rough edges but I liked the graphics and art style. Thanks for the translations as I can't read French!
Hhowever I wasn't able to complete the game. I got to the last level and found both bridge pieces (next to each other!) . I didn't know what to do next so I kept moving to the right and managed to "break into" screens that I think were the win condition. So I could walk around these screens then move south into further "screens" of graphical artefacts before I ran out of time.
Its a game that definitely has potential. Randomisation of the locations of objects would certainly help replayability as would tidying up the rough edges.
I hope this is only the first of many PICO-8 cartridges that you make!

Hi Phil, thanks for the kind words! It's our first project, we've only been studying software engineering for a few weeks and none of us had ever worked on PICO-8 before.
Once you get the bridge parts, you're supposed to come back to the beginning of the 3rd level map - a bridge has spawned and you can cross the river to get to the chest, the key and eventually the teddy, but I guess the instructions aren't precise enough!
We're taking note of the glitch that allows the player to "break into" the graphical artefacts right of the last map, we'll look into it. Thanks again!!

I like that this game has story segments for each person. However, it feels odd to have the segments be separated by "levels" while also having the time limit apply to the whole game. Other than that, I recommend avoiding having edges of the screen that the player can't use to exit the screen but that also have no barrier. It means the player is blocked by something right next to their character but that they somehow can't see.

Waaah ! What mean person would not let a baby in their house running around the neighborhood on their own ? :)
Good game, Eira89, however I would not start the game over completely from the beginning if you run out of time. Instead reset the clock and restart that particular level.
Few people want to play the game all over again from the absolute beginning because they were tardy.
Despite this it is a good puzzle and maze game. Gold star for your crib.

Hi! After a few months dedicated to other coding projects, we finally found time to fix the maps issue that had been pointed out by the comments on this thread. Here comes version 3 of Where's my Teddy, with fixed maps, easier to navigate!
The time limit is still for the whole game as we don't really have enough time to rethink the timing feature, sorry. But we hope you'll enjoy this game!
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