Fish n' a Barrel
A very WIP Enter the Gungeon inspired twin stick shooter. The code is horribly messy right now, so brace yourself before looking.
New in v1.8
- settings screen actually works
- better ui
New in v1.7
- enemies have health instead of getting instakilled
- start of a settings screen
New in v1.6
- death animation for enemies
- better displays/UI
New in v1.5
- controls are customizable in pause menu
- custom controls are persistent
New in v1.4
- you now strafe when holding the fire button (O)
- fixed weird bug with pressing X
New in v1.3
- more enemies
- a title screen(ish)
- enemies animate when spawning instead of just appearing
New in v1.2
- bugfixes
- persistent highscore using cartdata
New in v1.1
- more guns
- guns have varying stats (fire rate, clip, etc.)
- gun randomly switches occasionally
- a meter above your head to visualize reload time (gray) or ammo (yellow)
- highscore visual (not persistent though)
Arrow keys move, you shoot the opposite direction, and you can double tap a direction to dodge/dash
Controls can be changed in pause menu
- clean up code (move to ecs?)
- more guns
- more enemies
- better controls
- better score system
- settings (aim assist, controls, etc.)
- polish (actual UI, particles, music, sounds, animation)


The controls are a bit wonky and I was so good that the O button broke for some reason. (My high score is 2)
But I do like the concept of this game, keep working on it!

You can make all the things you can do(dodging,shooting,etc) in the settings all to X and you can hold the X button to shoot and not be hit, then you can get a very high score because of this.
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