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Cart #chroma_control-3 | 2022-07-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Welcome to Chroma Control!
A game made by Pico-Crew, a subgroup of MoonShine, in 2022.

You have to match the color of each Chroma Beam to the balls' color. When no orbs are left, you go to the next level.

There are 2 modes in the game:

  • Normal Mode: five levels
  • Endless Mode: an infinite loop with randomly generated levels


  • Arrow keys (left/right) - move

The "reset scores" menu option can be used to set the score and high score back to 0.


  • MegaSparky - coding, music, and font (all graphics are generated by code)

Enjoy! Greets from MoonShine and Pico-Crew.



A beautifully presented cartridge: nice effects, great graphics and sound. Well done!

The game idea is also novel - a bit like an inverted Breakout but you have to avoid the ball. Is it an original game?


  • It's not very noticeable when you lose a life. Something a bit more obvious should occur such as the player flashing white.
  • Personally I think this game needs something to vary up the gameplay. Some fairly standard gameplay elements you could include are: Pick-ups that make you invulnderable whilst performing a rapid fire; Bombs that when hit destroy an area of bricks; Rainbow colours that destroy any block.

Still its a good game, and a very polished cartridge


fun game ngl


the music slaps, and the visuals are amazing!

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