The wall jumping you have here is tricky, @lily.kensa.
Consider this. If you are jumping and holding a direction, you will always jump in that direction even if pressed against a wall.
If you are jumping without holding a direction key and facing a wall, you will jump in the opposite direction of the wall.
These are standard movements with games that have wall jumping. Look to CELESTE level 2 for a good example of this.

A bit, still pretty tricky with the way you have it. Here, play the CELESTE game level 2 for yourself to see what I mean. Follow the movements just as I have them to see how easy it is to bounce up without holding the arrow keys.
Once you are facing a wall you can jump straight up, then still facing the same wall and with no distance between you and the wall - jump AGAIN, then it jumps in the opposite direction and you can bounce up a chasm or narrow set of walls.

I completed it, and there were some fun parts, but I'm afraid I agree with @dw817 that something is off with the wall jumping. I've never implemented it myself, but I think they're right that, if you've already jumped into a wall, it shouldn't matter what arrow you're pressing. To get up some of the "chimneys", like this one, I felt like I was more mashing buttons as quickly as possible than developing skill.

Two other requests:
- After getting the "Accelerate" skill, can there be at least one room with no spikes so that we can experiment with it and find out how far it takes us?
- The "builder" and "eat block" skills caused trouble when I released an arrow key a moment before I released the "x" key. I'm not sure how best to improve this. Maybe if you're holding the cursor over a buildable square, and releasing the arrow would move the cursor to a non-buildable square, the cursor remains "locked" to the previous square, at least for a few frames?
But well done on getting so many distinct skills into a cartridge. Here's what I finished with.

After being reminded by the masters, I finally tried to change my jumping physics. I also found that it becomes easier, thank you!
Also, about trial of the acceleration, I have added a platform, hope it will be helpful!

Thank you, that makes the "chimney" areas more fun. However, game mechanics are hard: in this level, I now wall-jump so far to the right that I hit the spikes a lot.

Regarding the "acceleration" skill, that's not quite what I meant. What I'd like to have is a room where correct use is necessary to pass, but failure just means you walk back and try again, without hitting any spikes. Something like this:

You have written a very slick and fast-paced game, and that is a good thing. But it also means that, when we're just learning the skills, death can leave us blinking and asking "What just happened?" So give us a chance to think we know when we're doing, then confront us with a room full of spikes.
Challenge for other players: get into this corner.

Yes, that's exactly what I was asking for. Now it's easy for the player to understand what difference the Acceleration skill makes, and we have to learn to use it in order to proceed. I think that's what game and level designers call a "Skill Gate".
The door on the right-hand side to get a peek at future areas is neat too.

I just cliped into the wall and can't get out. This means that I have to restart. Maby you shuld make it so that this can't happen

Hi @lily.kensa:
Your spikes don't stick out as much as I think they should due to their dark color. Here now they are imposing and show signs of use.
The graphic spikes are the only change I made.
And YES, that wall-kick is awesome now. Very easy to work with.
Nicely done ! Gold star accomplishment.
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