I recently left my job as a full stack developer to pursue game development. Over the last two weeks I put together this prototype with a friend who does art. Would love some feedback if anyone has time.
Thanks, Sean

This is a super start to a great game, @SeanGreen ! Gold star for you.
I would like it if it was possible to be clever enough to not get injured at all and to still be able to win the level. Can this be done ?

@dw817 Thanks! You can actually reach the end of the level without getting injured if you find the right places to hide and time your run from the monster correctly.

Ah, you are correct, @SeanGreen. I didn't even think about that closet on the lower level, just the top one. Superb !

Would love to see a timer, I am very interested in potentially speed running this game, we could have a no hit category.
Current time for an any% is 14 seconds.
Previously was 20

I am pained that this is only a demo! Solid concept, scary assed monster, and besides the ladder covers every mechanic is instantly intuitive. For a first attempt this game is A+ EDIT: just did it damageless. this cart is awesome
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