Can you guys help me? I keep getting worse, and worse, and worse at this! My timing has been always, always, always off!!!

StinkerB06 Maybe take a short break, focusing a lot on one thing can be really tiring.

Awww thanks so much for this, Maddy/Noel/Lena! Such a perfect fresh-yet-familiar companion to the original. Totally got chills when that music kicked in. Same mountain, new climber!
It always amazes me how your levels - even the most punishingly difficult ones - are all so clear to parse and navigate. I always understand what's being asked of me to get across a certain screen, and it's so magical every time "are you kidding, this is clearly impossible" slowly gives way to "I did it!!"

Incredible experience this was! Thank y'all for this. If this concept was expanded into a full-on game like Celeste Classic was I would be overjoyed.

for anyone who does speedruns. should i set up a discord server? I want to learn more speedrun tricks. and maybe we can get to speedrun.com. my PB is 3:42 and i dying 27 times. I'm not very good but I've only been doing it for 3 days now. react on my profile. I try to check and respond every day.

Doesn't Lani look a lot like Theo from Celeste?

Food for thought.

Woah yeah
hmm,fanfiction corner:
Lani is Theo´s cousin or sister or something... idk but it sounds cool

The third level feels a whole lot like the path of pain from hollow knight

I beat Celeste on the xbox, it was challenges but fun nontheless. This might be great as well!

Congratulations on making the Celeste series:
- it started with 'Celeste Classic', a game that's impressive for what it could do within the Pico-8 restrictions (barely any other Pico-8 games had that level of atmosphere), but honestly feels only moderately good to control.
- Celeste is one of my favorite games. i will certainly try out its checkpoint system in a prototype of a future Mario-inspired game (to see if it actually makes the game better like i think it does, because what works for one game might not necessarily work for another game)(also, this Mario knock-off game might or might Not be made in Pico-8)
- 'Celeste Classic 2' is 'Celeste Classic' but with improvements from Celeste and with new controls that are not only good but also fresh. i will try to complete it in the near future (i have set aside time in my schedule just for that), but the lack of a save system is a barrier to motivation that made me quit my first attempt prematurely.
Update: Today I completed Celeste Classic 2 in under 2 hours. The needed motivation was seeing all the results screens from other players show a time below 2 hours.
I'm convinced that nobody has made a more fun Pico-8 game than Celeste Classic 2 yet (the keyword is "Yet". I think that can change, and not thinking so would be bad for me since i would feel like it would be pointless for me to try making a Pico-8 game.)

I just found out you can pick up a snowball, jump, throw the snowball and jump on the snowball. Its basically a very hard double jump and its awesome

This game is a work of art. Amazing soundtrack with really good mechanics. Few areas I dislike which I do think really tarnish the replay ability, but overall, really good. Can't wait to see if this gets a console port.

Fun! got all berries without yt tutorial for once and got a 3:10 after a few runs!

Holy moly this is so good! The nw rope mechanic is very interesting. Also the step up in difficulty was very good as I found the first game to be quite easy. Amazing work!

Celeste is actually what got me into PICO-8, I got Celeste the full game on steam then I learnt the original was made with PICO-8 I I decided to try it.

I got 16 strawberries after figuring out how to get the last one on accident.

i'm pretty sure that the difficulty of this game picks up from the previous one

wow great game it took me a while to get a hang of it
"By The Way, this is not my first run"

I had to make an account after forever of running this game after a friend shared the link. I think this is my best time yet, just barely scraping by my last one (00:5:29) I've been doing casual runs this entire time not knowing there were a ton of other people also trying! :D

i think the level data is stored in that garbled mess is sprites tab 2 and 3

great game!
the grappling hook sort of reminds me of hornet's thread in hollow knight
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