brobgonal was a mistake created by expunged
he was meant to be tall but due to his torso size he looks smol
and he was meant to be stupid but expunged accidentally made him intelligent and racist
his goal was to remake bandu but taller
its just pibby unfairness to me
edit: ok no its not possible at all not even with 99.9999999999% brain bower
who let tiky expurgate expunged
i cant
expunged didnt make me albert aretz
i mean eistessan
you liear it imposile
stewphid moden rocks of cheese
you better pay for the screen of my laptop you moden rock of cheese >:(
This is almost unintelligible if not for me reading such enlightening words such as "amogus" and "super idol". I don't really know what's happening, but the mod is still pretty cool I guess.
fun fact:
this build is actually based off of an as of yet unreleased build of regular unfairness @jo560hs sent me on discord
Wow Fantastic ScratchRZL You Can Please Add Mod Suicide Mouse PNP With 3 Songs And one secret in freeplay?. this is sprite form the suicide mouse happy mouse sprites pnp.
Please My Sir CarsonK Play The Chat Pico Night Punkin To A 1-30 Pages Plis Plis
Yes because Carsonk Paus the thread but in this mod no and i want a mod suicide mouse with all songs,voices,icons and charathers and animations and jumpscare and mecanics
yes and in this thread CarsonK no and this thread is online to put coments and spam all the users
Choose A Mod ScratchRZL:Vs Imposter v3 ,Nosense,Suicide Mouse,Oswald,Shaggy,Matt,Or Vs All Weeks Form The Mod Pibby.Choose 1 And The Others Mod Another Day Or Year.
dbwaehdfjeashdsfsaifdjshgfsgdjsgfxjsgdhjfhwsgjfghjdfwgjfdsgdjegjhgsjdhwgjhwgjhegjhwagjhguhjhgjhgjgyugtufrgfhgfhtrhfgfghfghcfgdhfgdhfgdfdghgdfhghfghyuwsddhygsdhgsjdhsghjhfwhsjrhsdjtehgtjgfjegtrjeswygejfhsgjfdgdsjhfgsdjfgjsdgNoo Page 2 It No Found
pLIS sECOND pAGE..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
No Comment Ok.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................jkghhgfkgrdfterti456tie5t8uer9t08uer89tuer9utdr9utfdiugtdugdf
@Esteban i don't take mod requests if that's what you're asking
Hey ScratchRZL you can please add images leaks form the suicide mouse please add 5 images 1 is the sad mouse the 2 is the happy mouse the 3 is the happy mouse 2 4 is the really happy mouse and the final is the smiller mouse
Oh Ok MMMM THIS THREAD IT NOT MORE CART PLEASE I WANT MORE MODS AND CART PLEASE ScratchRZL Or Other Users Can Please Add more mods? im boring:(
One Question ScratchRZL You Can To Ask jo560hs for yes want create a mod?jo560hs can create a mod suicide mouse form all song and cutscenes and mecanics and create the song unhappy,happy,really happy and smile with the song unhappy happy and really happy in storymode and the sogn smile en freeplay?
What and Who Accept the mod requests??????? is very boring and sad who can is i very very very boring and bad notice i not understand how to install pico-8 and im no understand create a mod pico-8....
Grrrrrrrrrr Im Angry With Carsonk The Locked the thread pico night punkin and i no can comment this thread ¿¿¿¿¿How Carsonk Locked The Thread????
carsonk locked the thread because people were abusing it and spamming and just overall being terrible
Please Im Super Boring Please Create Mod Suicide Mouse,Sunday Night Suicide,Sunday Night Suicide(more 5 Sunday Night Suicide) Please Create This Mod But In Pico Night Punkin
Go pick up the console and do something instead of spamming the BBS then
i no have the console and this is no spamming because im boring no more pico night punkin users insult carsonk,no page 2 in this no carts in this imagine this is very boring i locked my user by forever bye users>:(
This is the reason why I quit making PNP mods, I don't want to deal with people harassing developers over* something they can't do anything about. If you want more PNP mods, you can contribute to the PNP modding community, you can develop mods yourself or with a team. With the few PNP mod developers we have now, there isn't going to be much PNP mod content.
Now, feedback on the mod. I can't do this myself, but I can say it is impossible to even read this. This is actually truly unfair and it isn't fun in my opinion. I can't read the notes at all as they are all circle and they are all the same color. There has to be some difference between the notes, they can't all be the same. I have no suggestions on anything else in the mod.
I no have the pico-8 and im back but sorry imm create the mod but ....¿how to buy pico-8?
sorry but imm cancelled my mod i locked my user goodbye users...
@Esteban you don't have to create a mod. I don't want you to do something you don't want to do. I apologize if my comment has made you feel you are forced to make a PNP/FNF mod or upset you in any way. I seriously think if you are under the age of 13, you should probably get a little more education before you start chatting with strangers online, but I'm not your parent or guardian, it's really their decision to make, not mine. So I'm just gonna shut my virtual mouth because I'm not sure if I know what the heck I am talking about now.
Edit: I'm going to shut up so chaos doesn't happen on this thread
Edit 2: No can do
oh sorry...omg page 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! our dreams they turned reality!!!!!!!
i have no clue
also, i'd suggest locking this so it doesn't become another hellhole like the last thread
though it should be fine for a while
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