any chance of some instructions ? ive got the 1st red orb but it doesnt seem to do anything ? cant drop through platforms or go through spikes ?

@lily.kensa Instructions would be nice!
I've worked out that you can drop through platforms by standing on the platform and pressing X and Z simultaneously.
You can pass through the spikes when you dash and turn blue but timing is everything.
No idea what the red orbs do. No idea why when you dash all the other red on the screen goes blue.

An updated version! This has more structure and some instructions now. However I don't understand how I'm meant to activate the green switch. And I got stuck in this part (can't move, can't die):

Oops! Sorry, kind of Stuck in the rock...
It might be fixed in the newer version.
And about the switches, it's used to toggle Green Block and Red Block. The blocks have also been added in the newer version.
Hope you enjoy my game :)

Good, @lily.kensa but it is possible to not fall down on a tile that is intended to fall you down. In this case I can hover without falling because it is between two tiles.

A tutorial! Nice. I've learnt that you can walk slowly which I never knew before.
Nice to see the progress on this game.
What is the purpose of the circle around the main character ?

Thank you.
Actually, the circle just shows the destination you will dash to.
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