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Cart #stacking_king-0 | 2021-12-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Stack boxes
Aim for the gates
The higher the better!

This is my first pico-8 game
It is inspired by a game I played ten years ago called folder by @Morusque(I can't find a working version anymore).


Has a problem. You can stack right through the walls in the ceiling. I suspect this is not desired behavior, @AntonOTI.

The game is pretty forgiving, you can go into the wall a fair bit before I declare game over, same goes for the ceiling, as long as the center top is in the hole, it's good (otherwise the game felt way too hard)

Could you make 2-versions then ? One where it strictly adheres to the opening and the wall which must not be touched and the other where it doesn't matter as it is now, @AntonOTI ?

I'll consider it after sleeping a bit ^^

Interesting! This was pretty fun. I'd love to see another degree of freedom or two introduced beyond just flipping. Rigid body dynamics might be interesting too though I imagine it'd be hard to do this in a way that felt stable and predictable enough to still be fun.

Maybe a compromise position on that would be to have brick placement work like it does now, but change it so it doesn't glue the bricks together permanently. Instead, allow the bricks to slide along each other, with some amount of friction. (Or allow the ones still on screen to slide, anyway.) Doing that and giving the player a drop button might add a timing aspect to the game? For example - if I'm coming up to a gate and I think I might not make it laterally, I could wait for my tower to partially collapse to one side. But if I wait too long and some of the bricks slide entirely off each other, I lose. Dunno if that'd work but making the bricks even a little bit more dynamic might add a lot.

I also wonder if constraining the brick generation might help a bit. It can sometimes feel kind of unfair right now - I can get bad sequences that feels unwinnable. (Maybe they're not? But I think some are.)

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