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Cart #littlenecromancer-4 | 2020-12-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Help Mortimer, a necromancer apprentice, to travel to the great Necropolis. Resurrect the dead ones along his pilgrimage. But beware! They know no more master.

Little Necromancer is a Puzzle Adventure Game inspired by classics like "Adventures of Lolo" or "Ghosts'n Goblins".


Little Necromancer is playable with keyboard, gamepad or smartphone.

Collect skulls and press ❎/[x] to resurrect the dead ones.They could destroy foes,pillars or...you!
Collect orbs to open the portals of the 12 levels.
If you get stuck,hold 🅾️/[c] to quit and retry.


Design, Art, Code: Fred Osterero
Musics: Nicolas Grandgirard

Original soundtrack

All the Little Necromancer musics are here!

Tales from the Necropolis

Do you want an other adventure in the dark world of the necromancers? So play Proserpina's Quest to help Proserpina & Jack to save their village from demons!

2020-12-19: More lives at the beginning and another changes to make the game easier.
2020-04-18: I have added more life potions through the game to make it easier.

P#74644 2020-04-11 15:37 ( Edited 2022-11-12 10:11)


wow!! very well done and plays nicely!

P#74647 2020-04-11 15:44

Note: I got into a situation where skeleton and mob keep avoiding each other (level 2) as they can't fight when turning!

P#74670 2020-04-12 17:09

Outstanding game! Could have been a classic cart release!

One of the best Pico-8 games. Nicely done.

P#74671 2020-04-12 17:10

Btw - looking at the code, there is a lot of tokens you can reclaim (if you are in need).
For ex:

function make_actor(x, y)
 return add(actor,{
 x = x,
 y = y,
 still = false,
 state = "idle",
 life = 1,
 dx = 0,
 dy = 0,
 targ = 1,
 flp = false,
    spd = 0.07,
 inertia = 0.6,
 bounce = 0.4,
 chest = false,
 w = 0.4,
 a = 0.4

is 20 tokens less than your construct.
You can also remove ()'s in most of the if/then constructs.

You also have a very token heavy image decompression code for a single image.
You can use that alternative: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=34363 for a fraction of the token cost.

P#74697 2020-04-13 14:22 ( Edited 2020-04-13 14:36)

Thanks a lot for your comments and especially @freds72 for your precious tips!! I'll use them for sure for my next game or update! ^^

P#74700 2020-04-13 15:50

so beautiful but too hard for me , cant even get past level three !

wish it was simpler ...

P#74909 2020-04-18 01:33

@bigjus. So I made your wish come true! I have added more life potions through the game to make it easier.

P#74922 2020-04-18 09:09 ( Edited 2020-04-20 10:53)

its an awesome game! really

P#82390 2020-09-27 20:42

The game is great! will there be a character custimization?

P#102199 2021-12-09 17:31

Thank you @MerpleLeaf!
Sorry but I haven't planned any character customization for this game.

P#103053 2021-12-18 10:44

fun game, still hard to solve puzzle tho

P#136261 2023-10-23 08:08

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