Two-player deathmatch game. Players draw lines which will damage the other player if touched. Pick up ink bottle power-ups to increase your draw speed, ink reserve, and refresh speed. Includes 9 characters and 14 randomized maps.

Player 1 keys: Cursors + Z / N
Player 2 keys: SDFE + tab / shift
X/Q change the player color on the home screen.
This is a complete version of my entry into Ludum Dare 32: An Unconventional Weapon.

I'm rooting for you!
Sort of feels like bomberman.

I really like this game. I showed it to all my friends at school and we’re all playing this instead of doing our schoolwork. Good job!

Dude insanely cool game here! very unique. I'd love to see a sequel of this. Great couch coop play game.
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