i wonder how many messages are needed to start anther page or it could be depending how long/short a message is

We already got 9 page and it was only a few days ago when we started 8 page

@gameguy123 that's why we have jo560hs's mod collection for lmao (even tho its only a collection of his mods)

I am heavily interested in the upcoming mods... Most of them have been really fun so far. Can't wait to see the next song @jo560hs (And don't think I've forgotten the spoiler you gave me)

@gameguy123 in my case, they're drawn entire with code. For example, the buildings in pico's stage are actually just a bunch of rectangles, and so are the windows. The stars are single pixels and the moon is two circles (one dithered, one solid).

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this has just become a challenge to get to the 99th page lol

can y'all not? this isn't even funny, its just childish and stupid, stop spamming its incredibly unhelpful and annoying

I liked it when I can scroll through pages for carts.. Not whatever you think is #general now...

dang i was actaully considering if i should ask carsonk abt making a discord server for pico night punkin, not sure abt THAT anymore since braindead fuckshits thinks its O K to do this

i need help making crabalttle. the problem is
1.i cant get rid of gf
2.idk how to change sprite code
3.im stupid af

i got this new anime plot. basically there’s this high school girl except she’s got huge boobs. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big ol’ tonhongerekoogers. what happens next?! transfer student shows up with even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. humongous hungolomghononoloughongous

i need help making crabalttle. the problem is
1.i cant get rid of gf
2.idk how to change sprite code
3.im stupid af

i need to know how to make pnp backgrounds, to change sprite code , and how to remove the gf
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